Friday 11 July 2014

ARCAT Gone Fishin'

In 1951, President Herbert Hoover said:

"The human animal originally came from out-of-doors. When spring begins to move in his bones, he just must get out again. Moreover, as civilization, cement pavements, office buildings, radios have overwhelmed us, the need for regeneration has increased, and the impulses are even stronger. When all the routines and details and the human bores get on our nerves, we just yearn to go away from here to somewhere else. To go fishing is a sound, a valid, and an accepted reason for an escape. It requires no explanation.

"Nor is it the fish we get that counts. We could buy them in the market for mere silver at one percent of the cost. It is the chance to wash one's soul with pure air, with the rush of the brook, or with the shimmer of the sun on blue water. It brings meekness and inspiration from the decency of nature, charity toward tackle makers, patience toward fish, a mockery of profits and egos, a quieting of hate, a rejoicing that you do not have to decide a darned thing until next week. And it is discipline in the equality of men-for all men are equal before fish. And the contemplation of the water, the forest, and mountains soothes our troubles, shames our wickedness, and inspires us to esteem our fellowmen-especially other fishermen."

Our very own Cardinal Carter was an avid angler who enjoyed spending his leisure time on a fishing boat well into old age. The life of an archbishop is very busy and hectic, but Carter knew the value of taking time to relax in nature. Even though he was a "prince of the Church," while fishing he was the same as any other person.

Who wants to go swimming?
September, 1984.

Looks like this angler has had some practice!

Just getting started!
June, 1992.

The proud fishermen show off a good haul.

Cooking up a delicious catch.

Photo published in the Toronto Sun, August 3, 2001.

Cardinal Carter was such an outdoorsman that there was a waterfall named after him in 1982 on Oak Lake in Northern Ontario!

Looks like a beautiful spot for a picnic!

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