Friday 25 November 2016

Record of the Week: Happy Birthday, Saint John XXIII!

On this day in history in 1881, Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was born in Sotto il Monte, Italy. After studying in Rome, he was ordained to the priesthood in 1904. After many years of service to the church, he was elevated to the Cardinalate in 1953. In 1958, he was elected as Pope, and called himself John. In 1961, he had his 80th birthday, and Catholics around the world celebrated.

St. John XXIII

[between 1958-1963]
PH 63-02CP
ARCAT Photograph Collection

The Bishops of Canada, writing as the Canadian Catholic Conference released a Joint Pastoral Letter about celebrating the event:

"November 4 is the official date set by the Holy See for celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the birth of our Holy Father, Pope John XXIII. The attainment of so venerable an age is noteworthy in any man's life. It is a proper cause for great rejoicing when the man whose years are fruitfully prolonged is Christ's Vicar on earth. It is customary, on such an occasion, for a man's family and friends to extend joyous congratulations and to show their rejoicing in other ways. In the case of the Pope, we are all of his family, for to him was given by Our Lord the universal paternal responsibility to "Feed my lambs, feed my sheep... We earnestly ask all the flock of Christ in this country - clergy, religious and laity - to participate in this event with loving fidelity and zeal, to insure that November 4 will be a day of great spiritual conquests for the Church. May it be a day that sets a pattern for continuing thanks to God for bringing Pope John XXIII to the throne of Peter, and for giving him long and abundant years."

October 12, 1961
OC29 RO02
Other Collections - Roman Pontiffs - Pope John XXIII 

St. John XXIII and Cardinal McGuigan at the Vatican.

[between 1958-1963]
ARCAT Photograph Collection

Have a slice of cake today for Good Pope John!

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